Ukraine Needs You!

Ukraine Needs You!

1 year ago | 128 Views

Donate as much as you can- Every small help makes a big difference.

Created By Preston Seton Gosford Admin

The crowdfunder linked below is to send copies of the forthcoming Taproot book containing 100 translations, versions and responses to/of Odveig Klyve’s viral poem is still open - essentially, for every £10 donated we will send a free copy of the book to Ukraine for distribution, and all donations will go to Sunflower Scotland, who are bravely providing aid through direct action. We will print a list of all the donors in the book when the time comes.

At this moment, with £460 donated, there are 46 books earmarked for Ukraine, and a full box holds 50. Can you help us to fill it?

Please Follow This Link to help anyway you can :

Fundraiser by Taproot Press : Free Books for a Free Ukraine (
